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Music Commands 🎵

This section provides a general list of the available music commands within the latest Elite Music build.

Table of Music Commands

All commands are listed in alphabetical order! Each command comes with an example and usage description, as well as permission needed to run the command and timeout between each usage in seconds!

/audiofilter/audiofilter [optional: filter]Check or toggle audio filters!
/back/backPlay the previous song!
/clearqueue/clearqueueClear the current music queue!
/jumpqueue/jumpqueue [song]Jump to a specific song in the queue!
/loop/loop [Off/Track/Queue/Autoplay]Set the loop type!
/lyrics/lyrics [query]Get the lyrics for a song!
/nowplaying/nowplayingCheck the currently playing song!
/pause/pausePause the current song at the current time!
/play/play [music]Place a song into the queue!
/playnext/playnext [music]Add a song to the top of the queue!
/plex play/plex play [music]Play a song into the queue!
/plex search/plex search [music]Search songs and playlists.
/queue/queueCheck the current music that is in the queue!
/queuehistory/queuehistoryCheck the past history of the queue within the guild!
/remove/remove [song]Remove a specific song from the queue!
/seek/seek [time]Seek to another time in the current song!
/shuffle/shuffleShuffle the current queue!
/skip/skipSkip the current song!
/stop/stopStops any music playing!
/volume/volume [optional: amount]Check or set the current music volume!