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Configuration Commands ⚙️

Table of Commands

All commands are listed in alphabetical order! Each command comes with an example and usage description, as well as permission needed to run the command and timeout between each usage in seconds!

/antispam settings/antispam settings [messages] [time] [timegap] [timeout]Alter the default settings of the Anti-Spam feature.Manage Messages10 secs
/antispam similarity/antispam similarity [choice] [percentage]Toggle the Text Similarity section of the Anti-Spam feature.Manage Messages10 secs
/configinfo xpsystem/configinfo xpsystemCheck the current configuration for the XP System.Administrator5 secs
/configinfo logging/configinfo loggingCheck the current configuration for the Logging Feature.Administrator5 secs
/configinfo welcome/configinfo welcomeCheck the current configuration for the Welcome Feature.Administrator5 secs
/configinfo joinroles/configinfo joinrolesCheck the current configuration for the Join Roles Feature.Administrator5 secs
/configinfo fivemstatus/configinfo fivemstatusCheck the current configuration for the Five M Status Feature.Administrator5 secs
/configinfo roleselect/configinfo roleselectCheck the current configuration for the Role Select Feature.Administrator5 secs
/configinfo verification/configinfo verificationCheck the current configuration for the Five M Status Feature.Administrator5 secs
/configinfo community/configinfo communityCheck the current configuration for the Community Feature.Administrator5 secs
/configinfo djfeature/configinfo djfeatureCheck the current configuration for the DJ Music Feature.Administrator5 secs
/configinfo voicecount/configinfo voicecountCheck the current configuration for the Voice Count Feature.Administrator5 secs
/configinfo createvc/configinfo createvcCheck the current configuration for the Join to Create VC Feature.Administrator5 secs
/configinfo antispam/configinfo antispamCheck the current configuration for the Anti-Spam Feature.Administrator5 secs
/countgame config/countgame config [#channel] [gamemode] [resetwrong] [sameuser]Change multiple configuration settings for the join roles feature using this command!Manage Events30 secs
/fivemstatus config/fivemstatus config [#channel] [cfxurl]Set the Five M (or Red M) status channel and URL for the guild.Administrator10 secs
/fivemstatus embed/fivemstatus embed [title] [description]Customise the description of the Five M status embed.Administrator10 secs
/joinrole add/joinrole add [@role]Add a role to give to users on join to this guild.Manage Roles5 secs
/joinrole check/joinrole checkCheck the roles that are given to users on join to this guild.Manage Roles5 secs
/joinrole remove/joinrole remove [@role]Remove a role to give to users on join from this guild.Manage Roles5 secs
/logging channel/logging channel [#channel]Set the logs channel for the guild.Administrator10 secs
/roleselection addrole/roleselection addrole [menuname] [@role] [description] [emoji]Add a role into the role selection menu.Manage Roles5 secs
/roleselection check/roleselection checkCheck the current role selection menus in your guild!Manage Roles5 secs
/roleselection create/roleselection create [menuname] [menutitle] [menudescription]Create a new role selection menu.Administrator5 secs
/roleselection delete/roleselection delete [menuname]Delete a currently existing role selection menu in this guild.Administrator5 secs
/roleselection spawn/roleselection menu [menuname]Generate a role selection menu!Manage Roles5 secs
/roleselection removerole/roleselection removerole [menuname] [@role]Remove a role into the role selection menu.Manage Roles5 secs
/roleselection edit/roleselection edit [menuname] Optional: [menutitle] [menudescription] [newname]Edit the embed or name of a role selection menu.Manage Roles5 secs
/community suggestionchannel/community suggestionchannel [#channel]Set the suggestion channel for the guild.Administrator15 secs
/community bugchannel/community bugchannel [#channel]Set the bug channel for the guild.Administrator15 secs
/toggle antispam/toggle antispam [true/false]Toggle the Anti-Spam feature for this guild.Administrator30 secs
/toggle createvc/toggle createvc [true/false]Toggle the the create voice chat feature for this guild.Administrator30 secs
/toggle djonly/toggle djonly [true/false]Toggle DJ for the music feature!Administrator30 secs
/toggle fivemstatus/toggle fivemstatus [true/false]Toggle the Five M Status feature for this guild.Administrator30 secs
/toggle logging/toggle logging [true/false]Toggle the log feature for this guild.Administrator30 secs
/toggle community/toggle community [true/false]Toggle the community utility feature for this guild.Administrator30 secs
/toggle verification/toggle verification [true/false]Toggle the Verification feature for this guild.Administrator30 secs
/toggle voicecount/toggle voicecount [true/false]Toggle the voice chat member count feature for this guild.Administrator30 secs
/toggle welcome/toggle welcome [true/false]Toggle the welcome feature for this guild.Administrator30 secs
/toggle xpsystem/toggle xpsystem [true/false]Toggle the XP system feature for this guild.Administrator30 secs
/verification menu/verification menuPost the verificaiton menu for this guild.Manage Guild10 secs
/verification settings/verification settings [description] [roletogive]Adjust the Verification feature settings for this guild.Administrator10 secs
/welcome config/welcome config [#channel] [title] [description] [image]Set the welcome channel for the guild.Administrator10 secs
/xpsystem roleadd/xpsystem roleadd [level] [@role]Add a role to give to users when reaching a level threshold.Manage Roles15 secs
/xpsystem roleremove/xpsystem roleremove [@role]Remove a role to give to users when reaching a level threshold.Manage Roles15 secs
/xpsystem settings/xpsystem settings [xptype] [xpmin] [xpmax] [xpmultiplier] [#levelupchannel] [intervalvc] [#afkvc]Customise settings for the XP system feature for your guild.Administrator15 secs