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Role Select Feature


Latest update adds a default "No Roles" option to each role selection menu, in-case a user doesn't want to have any roles! If your menu message is still old, please use /roleselect spawn command to respawn the menu with the latest change!

Managing new and old role selection menus

Firstly, you must create a new role selection menu, with a unique name and description which is used for the embed description. Use the command "/roleselection create" which has two arguments needed, the menu name which must be unique and the menu description which is what the message embed will show.

An Example of creating a role selection menu:


If you are wanting to delete a menu, use the command "/roleselection delete" which requires one argument, which is the menu name that you wish to remove.

An Example of deleting a role selection menu:



You can use the command "/roleselection check" in order to see the current role selection names that are currently active within your guild!

Managing roles within the role selection menu

Adding a role to a role selection menu is relatively easy. Use the command "/roleselection add" which consists of 4 arguments, of which menu name and role are necessary, with the description and emoji being option for extra customisability! Below is a table explaining each.

Argument NameExampleExplanation
menunamegamesThis is the name of the role selection menu you want to add a role to.
role@YoutubeThis is the role that you want to add.
descriptionThis is for Youtube streamersOptional: This is the description for the role which will show within the role selection menu.
emoji▶️Optional: You can set an emoji which will show within the role selection menu.

An Example of adding a role to a role selection menu:



The emoji can be set to a custom one too! There is no limits currently on the amount of roles per role selection menu.

If you wish to remove a role from a role selection menu, the process is even easier. Use the command "/roleselection remove" which has two arguments, one is the menu name which you want to delete a role from, and the second is the role that you want to remove.

An Example of removing a role from the role selection menu:


Posting the role selection menu

Finally, you can post the role selection menu ones you've added roles to a menu. Use the command "/roleselection spawn" which has one argument, the menu name that you would like to post. This will create a message embed where users can grab or remove roles from by using the interactive menu.

An Example of posting the role selection menu:



And... that's it! The role selection menu is now fully configured and requires no other configuration.