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Utilities Commands 🛄

Table of Commands

All commands are listed in alphabetical order! Each command comes with an example and usage description, as well as permission needed to run the command and timeout between each usage in seconds!

/about/aboutReturn information about Elite Bot!N/A10 secs
/aichat/aichat [prompt] Optional: [private] [style]Have a conversation with AI.N/A15 secs
/avatar/avatar [@user]What user's avatar should be returned?N/A15 secs
/botinfo/botinfoReturn information about Elite Bot!N/A10 secs
/bug/bug [title] [description]Submit a bug within this guild.N/A15 secs
/customembed/customembed [#channel] Optional: [title] [description] [#hexcolour] [author] [authorimgurl] [imgurl] [footer] [footerimgurl] [@pingrole]Post a custom embed to a channel of your choice!Manage Messages30 secs
/elitebot bugreport/elitebot bugreport [title] [description] [reapeatability: once, few times, always] Optional: [imgurl]Have you encountered a bug? Let us know, we are keen to resolve this!N/A60 secs
/elitebot suggestion/elitebot suggestion [title] [description] Optional: [imgurl]Have a fantastic suggestion for Elite Bot? Let us know we are keen to hear it!N/A60 secs
/giveaway start/giveaway start [duration] [prize] [winners] [#channel] [Optional: description/captcha/accountage/serverage/requiredrole/pingusers]Start a new giveaway for your guild.Manage Events30 secs
/giveaway edit/giveaway edit [giveawayid] [Optional: changeprize/description/winneramount/captcha/accountage/serverage/requiredrole/addtime/subtime]Edit the prize of a giveaway now within your guild.Manage Events30 secs
/giveaway end/giveaway end [giveawayid]End a giveaway now within your guild.Manage Events30 secs
/giveaway reroll/giveaway reroll [giveawayid] [howmany]Re-roll a giveaway within your guild.Manage Events30 secs
/help/helpGet information about my commands!N/A30 secs
/quickpoll/quickpoll [question] [choice1] [choice2] [#channel]Create a 2 choice quick poll in a channel!N/A15 secs
/rolebutton/rolebutton [messageid] [title] [roletogive] Optional: [emoji]Add a role give/remove button to any of the bot's embeds or messages.Manage Messages10 secs
/shortenurl/shortenurl [url]Shorten a long URL. Powered by teamsnaily.comN/A15 secs
/status fivem/status fivemCheck the current FiveM status.N/A15 secs
/status discord/status discordCheck the current Discord status.N/A15 secs
/status steam/status steamCheck the current Steam status.N/A15 secs
/suggest/suggest [title] [description]Suggest something within this guild.N/A15 secs
/urlbutton/urlbutton [messageid] [title] [url] Optional: [emoji]Add a URL button to any of the bot's embeds or messages.Manage Messages10 secs
/userinfo/userinfo [@user]Return information about a user's Discord account!N/A15 secs
/vote/voteVote for Elite Bot on! Thank you for your support :DN/A30 secs
/xp current/xp current [@user]Check the XP of any user in the guild.N/A15 secs
/xp daily/xp dailyClaim your daily XP!N/A15 secs
/xp leaderboard/xp leaderboardCheck the XP leaderboard of this guild.N/A15 secs
/xp rewards/xp rewardsDisplay the role rewards for this guild.N/A15 secs
/xp trivia/xp triviaClaim your daily XP for a correct trivia answer!N/A15 secs